Thursday, August 15, 2013


Hi folks! After a brief hiatus, while I went on vacation, I'm now back and ready to bring you some more posts to read and salivate over!

One of my photos, that I sent to Gastropost, was published in the National Post on Saturday, August 3!

Mission #62: Corn Goes Pop
"Who’s that husky fellow awaiting us at the produce section and farmer’s market? Why, it’s our old friend, fresh local corn, back and tasty as ever. Your mission this week is to take part in an Ontario midsummer tradition: Eat some corn, whether it’s a simple cob or a dish that incorporates its colourful kernels".

Here is the PDF of Saturday, August 3 Gastropost Spread. You'll find my photo in a smaller section called "Taking Food Further"  because I made the food myself instead of taking a photo of something eaten in a restaurant. If the submissions are creations made at home an additional hashtag is included: #further.
The mission was to eat some corn and I made corn relish to top a BBQ-ed burger.

I made the corn relish in my canning class at George Brown a few weeks ago and finally got to garnish something with it. And since it fell in line with the Gastropost mission I took a photo of my meal and posted it on Instagram.

This is a modified version of the recipe we used in class.

1 - Large red pepper, diced (1 1/2 cup)
1 - Large onion, diced (1 1/2 cup)
2 tsp - Kosher salt
5 - Large ears of corn (500 g/3 cups)
250 ml - Apple cider vinegar
150-200 g - Sugar
3/4 tsp - Tumeric
1/4-1/2 tsp each - Allspice, Celery Seeds, Mustard Powder/seeds


  1. Wash jars and lids in hot soapy water. Place the jars in a large pot lined with a jar rack or clean towels. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Sterilize the jars in the boiling water for 10 minutes. Heat the lids in a small saucepan of freshly boiled water (do not boil).
  2. Cut the kernels off the cob. With the back of the knife, scrape the cobs to extract the milky, starchy juice.
  3.  Place corn kernels and remaining ingredients into a saucepan and simmer until it starts to thicken, about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Spoon the relish into the sterilized jars, leaving 1/4" in headspace. Remove air bubbles with a non-metallic utensil and wipe the rims with a clean damp papertowel. Centre the hot lids on the clean rims and screw the bands on slightly.
  5. Place the filled jars back into your large pot and cover with at least 1 to 2 inches of water. Place the lid on the pot and bring to a full boil. Process the jars for 30 minutes from the point of boiling.
  6. When the time is up, turn off the heat and remove the lid from the pot. Let the jars rest for an additional 5 minutes. Place the jars on a cooling rack or on a counter lined with a towel. Leave then undisturbed for 24 hours. If the lids seam loose, that is ok, do NOT tighten them.
  7. Check the jars to make sure they have sealed properly. The lids should be curved down. Note: if the jars fail to seal, refrigerate and use within 2 days.
  8. Store the jars in a cool, dark place and use within one year. Labeling is recommended.
Note: You could do a version of this with roasted corn.

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